Move with WASD or arrow keys and you can click in the direction you want to use floss when you have some available.  P or "esc" opens the pause menu.

Music by: (SUPER thanks for this save)
Everything else was just me

Game made for my first game jam. Theme is candy.
You are a tooth that just wants candy! Got to avoid those pesky cavities or else you will have to pay a visit to the dentist, which will cost you!

Lot of little secrets that I will explain here:
The yellower you are the more points you get from candy, but cavities get more aggressive.
If you have a cavity you do not get the score bonus
Bonus score at level completion is based off of time and you get a bonus for not having a cavity and a bonus for collecting all candy.
The level select screen keeps track of highscore for the level and if you found all the hidden special candy

Development log


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(1 edit) (+1)

The mechanics in this are really good. The "store" was a cool idea and the enemies getting faster the yellower you became was a awesome mechanic. The sound effects are a little weird especially for headphone users. But overall fun game.


Hey. I recorded a video about the Beginners Circle jam and included your game in it. If you want to cut your game out of the video, let me know. However, if you like the video, I make similar videos every day. I will be happy if you subscribe. Anyway, I enjoyed playing your game.

Unfortunate that your recording had issues the first time. Ya you are definitely right that really white teeth isn't natural. It was just easier to start with white and use unity to tint it yellow. I actually even debated changing whitening to just cleaning and start with a more natural look but I was running out of time and decided to focus more on gameplay than making the logic of the teeth make more sense. I didn't start out trying to make an educational game on teeth but more like I just thought the idea of of teeth getting yellower making the enemies more aggressive was really interesting and so I built everything around that and it just worked out really well. 

A decent game. I saw it in much earlier stage and thought 'yeah, something is happening, the idea about teeth issues was kinda asking to be implemented, but it's not a game yet and the style is troublesome'. But now it's all fixed. The color palette is good, the upgrades actually make sense, the enemies are good enough. Actually the last level was a bit tedious because the distances are really big compared to the character speed, but for final level it's ok, I guess. Also I'm not entirely sure I understood whitening correctly... is it really does nothing to make a point about irl whitening being just marketing without actual value?

It reduces the cavitie's "rage" which makes them slower and reduces the ranges they notice the player. I think I set the price to high but ideally if the game was too difficult for you, you could go to the dentist and get whitening to make it easier. But I think the floss is actually a little too good that you don't need the whitening. Also cleaning might a better name for it. Luckily a lot of these values are easily manipulated so I will give the player more speed as I also thought it was a little too slow (but like I had a dash planned but ran out of time as this was for a game jam). There is a lot of little things here that I would be able to iron out if I had more time to get feedback from people. But I appreciate your feedback, thanks for playing!

Ah, I see. So I guess I was expected  to use the whitening in a level where these pesky monsters started to attack you from really big distance while you are gathering the row of candies at the bottom... 

Yes. Might just remove floss from being an option in that level just to make it forced as it would be impossible to complete while collecting every candy.

Good job! I like that the upgrade system is a dentist's office ^^