Times almost up

With the game jam almost over I decided to take a little break and reflect over the last 2 weeks working on this project. This is my first game jam, and really the farthest I have ever taken a game I started to work on. I learned a lot. I don't think I will continue updating this game after the jam but there is definitely a lot of code and ideas that will carry over from this onto all my future projects. 

My process for the game was to start with the theme. Which was candy. Well what happens when you eat too much candy? Your teeth get yellow and you get cavities if you don't take care of them. So from that the basic game was formed. You collect candy but it causes the cavities to be more "attracted" to you. Well how can you deal with cavities? Well you go to the dentist and what do dentist always tell you? To floss! So floss is no a weapon against cavities. Then I thought about how to add different types of candy. I knew I wanted something to collect to complete the level. So I thought about collection chocolate pieces to create a chocolate bar. 

I think my point was that sometimes when making games you can really just let the simple idea or theme decide what happens in the game. For this project I didn't sit down and plan everything out. I just worked on things and things just came to me or seem to flow naturally for what the game could be. Of course with a 2 week time limit and my lack of experience, while also working alone, I was unable to give the game everything it would want. So many more ideas and features that just had to be cut so I can have something the resembles a semi-finished product. But still, I am proud of all the work I have done here, and I can't wait to use all this new knowledge and skills in the future. Looking forward to the next jam. I know I need more experience before I attempt to make something that I truly want to make.

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